Welcome to Northstar Harbor

Be a Part of A Network of human rights

Committed to leading the way in advocacy for human rights, compassion, and civil action.



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Missing person Report

Has someone you know gone missing and you don’t know where they are?
Help us document missing persons to reunite families and restore communities.

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The world in a better
place with drones.

– 3 km connection

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

– 15 min battery chrage

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

– 55 km/h Drone speed

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

– 500 gm weight drone

Committed to leading the consumer drone market high-performance.

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What Client

– Thomas Banasz –

YouTube Blogger

A stunningly simple drone that makes taking aerial photos and videos effortless. Because using helicopters to inspect infrastructure is time-consuming and expensive.

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